
Injectable Sterile Manufacturing Vessel

Injectable Sterile Manufacturing Vessel Machine

Injectable sterile manufacturing vessels are widely used in the pharmaceutical industry for manufacturing liquid, injectable, viscous, and dense products at high temperatures and concentrations efficiently.

The components of an injectable sterile manufacturing vessel consist of a diaphragm valve for the WFI inlet, a sanitary sterile safety valve, a nitrogen purging valve connection, a spray ball, a tank, an agitator, a drain valve, etc.

It is well equipped with CIP/SIP, filtration, and filling systems.

The application of injectable sterile manufacturing vessels in biopharmaceuticals includes sterile solutions, vials, aerosols, human insulin, serum, bacteria, cell culture, vaccines, etc.

The aseptic design of the outlet valve and volume monitoring by load cells are some of their important features.

GOMA Engineering, Thane, provides a complete solution for the sterile and aseptic manufacturing of pharmaceutical products in the form of injectable sterile vessels.

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